Трайчо Трайков: Да правим лекарства от тютюн

  • 09 юли 2011 10:17

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Трайчо Трайков: Да правим лекарства от тютюн
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Това е една от възможностите тази индустрия да продължи да съществува в България, обясни в парламента икономическият министър Трайчо ТрайковТрайчо Трайков Трайчо Трайков е бивш министър на икономиката, енергетиката и туризма в правителството на Бойко.

Той обвърза въпрос за приватизацията на "Булгартабак", в която най-голяма тежест бе дадена на тютюна, с подписано в четвъртък споразумение с Израел за сътрудничество в иновациите. Именно там имало разработка за извличане на съставки от тютюна за лекарства. "Продава се на висока цена.

Това прави по-рационално използването на тютюна не за цигари. Знаете, че тютюневата индустрия в световен мащаб е с неясно бъдеще", обясни Трайков. Той не отговори дали зад един от кандидатите за холдинга стои руската Външнотърговска банка. Надявам се от агенцията за приватизация да дадат проверено становище по въпроса, каза министърът.

Той отрече появилата се информация, че преговаряме с Русия в новите договори за доставка на газ да залегнат по-малки количества. Напротив, страната ни щяла да настоява за нова клауза, която да ни позволи да продаваме неизползваните количества на трети страни.

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2011.07.09 | 19:05

Аз предлагам да правим сувенири за черна магия от депутатски черепи и кости...

2011.07.09 | 18:50

аз предлагам Трайчо да си ходи заедно със шистовия газ ,да го ......

2011.07.10 | 02:59

GLEDAI FILMA EQUILIBRIUM - I NAU4I POVE4E KAK SLAGAT KAPKI V CIGARITE S NOVA DROGA PROZIUM - NAPRAO PRO4ETI TVA - In the year 2015 the third world war begins. A grueling war that lasts almost 5 years. But in 2019, after the nuclear bombing world wide, things have become silent...hushed. As the year 2025 came to be, there was a re-building of one city... The only place left upon American soil able to be inhabited... This place is called, Libria. Founded in 2025 by a man known only as "The Father" or "HIM"...this new society would be flawless, or at least, that's the way it would seem. "The Fathers" logo became the chant of the new law.... *"To seek out and eradicate mans inhumanity to man...the ability to feel."* In order to keep this saying a truth, the Latrol Corporation came out with a new drug, they called it Prozium. Prozium is a sensory suppresant, something that causes the word "feel" to be uncomprehensible. As for the new arm of the law... The harshest and most lethal of all the law is a grpoup of people known as the Tetra Grammaton Cleric. To some, they are the TetraGram, Grammaton, or simply Cleric. There are also different classes or levels of cleric ranging from 5th (least skilled) to 1st (most skilled). To become a Cleric, one must begin training at a very young age.... The training starts in a monastary. Working with a set of two clerics are a squad of police in full body armor. Up to 10 officers per two clerics. Though it is commonly the Clerics who commit the acts of killing. Commonly asked questions and more info on Libria What is Libria? Libria is the only remaining city after a 3rd world war that nearly destroyed the humans and the earth forever. What is outlawed in Libria as well as the Nethers? Emotions, reading materials such as books or magazines, art of any kind, ornate decorations, music, illustrated materials, more or less...anything that brings pleasure, even pets. Animals are killed (shot) and everything else is burned. What are the Nethers? The Nethers are the regions of rubble just outside the city. Usually the place where people are found holding outlawed items. What is Prozium? Prozium is a sensory suppresant drug. Usually given directly into the neck from a glass capsule filled with a golden liquid that has been placed inside a gun-like contraption. 3 Intervals are taken per day. If one ceases the use of Prozium, they begin to feel...emotionally as well as physically. What happens if somebody begins to feel? Should this be the scenario, then physically one becomes alive. Watch out for the police as well as the Tetra Grammaton Clerics... Because should you start to feel you will be found guilty of Sense Offense. Who are these Tetra Grammaton Clerics anyways? The TGClerics are an elite force... Call them a mix of law, outlaw, hitman, and bounty hunter...but these are the ones who protect and defend Libria with all they are. No matter how wrong their true views may be, they kill to ensure that Libria is kept emotoinless and...."Peaceful" What is and who are the council? The Council are those 6 people alongside "The Father" who pass judgement. The councils members are as follows: A) Head of Council - The Father B) #2 - Head of the Clerics C) #3 - Head of the Monastary D) #4 - Head of the Police E) #5 - Maker of Prozium F) #6 - The Judge G) #7 - The Executioner What is the Equilibrium Center? This is the place where one may refill their 2 day supply of Prozium. What is the Palace of Justice? The Palace of Justice is also known as the Court. This is where a person charged with a crime is taken for a "trial". What is Processing? This is another word for execution. Once found guilty of a crime, the party wears a crimson cloak an, surrounded by guards, they are taken to the incinerators. The guilty party removes the cloak and begins moving into a chamber... The doors close and lock as the countdown begins. Upon reaching zero, the fires turn the person into a pile of ashes. incineration happens for a few reasons: A) For feeling... AKA Sense Offense B) Failing to turn in a sense offender C) Hoarding and storing outlawed materials D) Killing/resisting a Cleric or Police Officer E) Keeping Animals What is the Underground? This is also known as the resistance. The people in this group can feel and hoard away things of value such as art and books...anything outlawed they keep and treasure so that future generations may know what life was like before the war.

2011.07.10 | 03:11

http://www.angelfire.com/freak2/poetess/ ETO TVA AZ SUM GO PISAL AZ SUM GO PRAVIL ZA6TOTO SUM KOI NAI DOBRIQ I TI GO ZNAE6

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