Сидеров шокира Джема Грозданова: Няма вирус, зомбираха ни

  • 30 март 2021 21:55

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  • 42
Сидеров шокира Джема Грозданова: Няма вирус, зомбираха ни
© Колаж: Novini.bg

Лидерът на Атака Волен СидеровВолен СидеровВолен Николов Сидеров е български политик и журналист, лидер на крайнодясната националистическа се завърна в студиото на БНТ след злопоучното си участие в „Референдум“ през 2019 г., когато направи скандал. Тази вечер той поднесе букет на водещата Добрина Чешмеджиев като извинение за тогавашното си поведение с думите „Аз не воювам с жени“.

Днес обаче Сидеров шокира друга дама – кандидат-депутата от Републиканци за България Джема ГроздановаДжема ГроздановаДжема Маринова Грозданова е български политик.  Тя е родена на 15 май 1975 г. в. Тя побърза да каже, че е несъгласна с твърдението на атакиста, че пандемия няма.

„Наистина ли смятате, че има такава болест? Това е фейк“, коментира Сидеров.

И настоя, че се е наложила психоза, която превърнала хората в зомбита.

 „Това е крайно несериозно“, реагира Грозданова, която освен политик, е и доктор по обществено дентално здраве.

Волен Сидеров с изпълнения в изборната нощ - опита да нахлуе в „Арена Армеец“

„Ваксината няма алтернатива“, категорична бе тя.

Иначе Джема ГроздановаДжема ГроздановаДжема Маринова Грозданова е български политик.  Тя е родена на 15 май 1975 г. в коментира още, че Републиканци за България са за влизане на България в Еврозоната. Европейската и атлантическа интеграция са основен приоритет за партията.

„Ние сме твърдо за еврото“, заяви Грозданова.

Тя е категорична, че РБ ще влязат в парламента и партията ще се съобразява с националния интерес.

Вижте и това видео, в което РБ заявяват прироритетите си: 

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2021.03.31 | 07:16

Ами прав е човека, като прекали с алкохола и наркотиците се зомбира. Той е живото доказателство.

2021.03.31 | 07:34

Бялата Златка пак не си е пила хапчетата.
Onq bez konq

2021.03.31 | 12:38

Coronavirus VERY likely man-made says top scientist with just one other possible cause CORONAVIRUS is either man-made or just a complete fluke of nature, a leading team of scientists have concluded.Australian scientists at Flinders University in Adelaide and Latrobe University in Melbourne have studied how COVID-19 is transmitted among humans compared to other animals. Nikolai Petrovsky, Professor of Medicine at Flinders University, said the coronavirus is “almost perfectly human adapted” after the striking study found humans were the most susceptible to the virus compared to other animals; including bats. Coronavirus has now infected more than five million people globally and killed more than 340,000 others. The virus expert has insisted COVID-19 is like no other disease as it is “completely optimised from day one without the need to evolve”. Professor Petrovsky has supported an inquiry into the origin of the virus - which is also backed by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. China has come under increasing scrutiny over its handling of the pandemic amid growing claims the virus began in a Wuhan Laboratory – something Beijing has always denied. The leading virologist has not ruled out the theory the disease was made in a lab but insisted it is also perfectly possible the virus began naturally. He told Daily Mail Australia: “This is a new virus that has never been in humans before, but it has an extraordinarily high binding to human receptors, which is very surprising. “It is almost perfectly human adapted, it couldn't do any better. “We have to ask how that happened. Was it a complete fluke? It can be as nature has many shots at goal and you only see the ones that land. “Another possibility which still cannot be excluded is that SARS-CoV-2 was created by a recombination event that occurred inadvertently or consciously in a laboratory handling coronaviruses, with the new virus then accidentally released into the local human population.” In the research project, the team examined the closest disease to COVID-19 – the BatCoV RaTG1 found in bats, that is 96 per cent similar to coronavirus. The team concluded its potency would need significant adaptation to be able to infect humans at the rate of COVID-19. The scientists then looked at pangolins- the next most susceptible animal to humans. Pangolins are often found in Chinese wet markets and eaten by humans – sparking theories this is how the pandemic began. However professor Petrovsky insisted the probability of this scenario is very low. He said: “The probability of one pangolin creating the virus and that then comes into close contact with a human to infect them is ridiculously low. “We would expect it would have to be in lots of infected pangolins and we've not found any.” Professor Petrovsky insisted an investigation into the cause of the virus should have already been launched and conceded we may never know how the virus began as evidence may already be lost. He said: “There's no smoking gun inside the virus as they evolve and pick up genetic material from everywhere, just studying the virus itself won't tell us anything further. “I don't think we'll have definitive proof either way, so we have to investigate to determine what is more probable. “No one can say a laboratory leak is not a possibility.”
Луис Карол

2021.03.31 | 13:19

Джалма Сливова е ТСП - ТЪПА СОФИЙСКА УТКА, а Сидеров бе тази вечер изключително уравновесен, безкомпромисно точен и политНЕкоректен, ето такъв Премиер ни трябва, но още не сме дозрели за него, затова ще си пълним чекмеджето на банкянския Мутрагеньо още поне 4 години.

2021.04.10 | 03:53

­­В­­­и­­­ж­­­т­е­­­ ­м­­­о­­­я­т­­­а­­ ­­т­­­и­­й­­н­ ­п­­­у­т­­к­а­­ ­-­ ­­­W­­­W­W­.­­­B­­G­­­1­­7­­­.­­C­L­­U­­­B­­­

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