Избягала от Китай вирусоложка за COVID-19: О, нямате си представа за какво става въпрос!

  • 04 август 2020 14:25

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Избягала от Китай вирусоложка за COVID-19: О, нямате си представа за какво става въпрос!
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Ли-Мен Ян е китайска вирусоложка, която доби световна популярност преди няколко седмици, когато успя да избяга от Китай и да се установи в Съединените щати.

Всичко по темата:
Епидемията коронавирус (COVID-19) 33063

Само преди няколко часа Ли-Мен Ян направи ексклузивно изявление пред световната общност, в което заяви, че настоящият коронавирус е бил сътворен във военна лаборатория в Китай и всичко, което твърдят в Пекин, е абсолютна лъжа.

По думите ѝ китайското правителство се е опитало да стори всичко възможно, за да ѝ попречи да разпространи информация за вируса и по този начин да спаси множество животи.

СЗО: Пандемията COVID-19 ще продължи много дълго

Тя сподели още, че към края на 2019 г. прекият ѝ началник ѝ заръчал да направи тайно разследване във връзка с естеството на вируса.

Започвайки да изучава патогена, Ли-Мен Ян е забелязала определени особености във вируса, които ѝ подсказали, че е бил създаден в лабораторни условия, а обясненията на китайското правителство, че COVID-19 е плъзнал от пазара в Ухан е просто измислена "сцена от сюжета".

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Я па Я

2024.05.31 | 11:12


2021.05.12 | 12:24

Това е просто настинка, така каза доцент Мъдуров

2024.04.11 | 15:49

Той е всезнаещ,, експерт,,

2022.08.06 | 06:57

иван иванов

2022.06.10 | 09:05

Onq bez konq

2021.04.04 | 16:36

А някой писа, че е фейк...
Onq bez konq

2021.04.04 | 16:28

Canadian scientist sent deadly viruses to Wuhan lab months before RCMP asked to investigate Documents show concerns about Ebola shipment from National Microbiology Lab, no relation to COVID-19 Karen Pauls · CBC News · Posted: Jun 14, 2020 3:00 AM CT | Last Updated: June 15, 2020 Xiangguo Qiu, her biologist husband and her students have not returned to work at the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg, after being escorted out in July 2019. The RCMP is still investigating a possible 'policy breach' reported by the Public Health Agency of Canada. (CBC) Newly-released access-to-information documents reveal details about a shipment of deadly pathogens last year from Canada's National Microbiology Lab to China — confirming for the first time who sent them, what exactly was shipped, and where it went. CBC News had already reported about the shipment of Ebola and Henipah viruses but there's now confirmation one of the scientists escorted from the lab in Winnipeg amid an RCMP investigation last July was responsible for exporting the pathogens to the Wuhan Institute of Virology four months earlier. Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband Keding Cheng and her students from China were removed from Canada's only level-4 lab over what's described as a possible "policy breach." The Public Health Agency of Canada had asked the RCMP to get involved several months earlier. The virus shipments are not related to the outbreak of COVID-19 or research into the pandemic, Canadian officials said. PHAC said the shipment and Qiu's eviction from the lab are not connected. Online claims that Chinese scientists stole coronavirus from Winnipeg lab have 'no factual basis' "The administrative investigation is not related to the shipment of virus samples to China," Eric Morrissette, chief of media relations for Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada wrote in an email. "In response to a request from the Wuhan Institute of Virology for viral samples of Ebola and Henipah viruses, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) sent samples for the purpose of scientific research in 2019." 'It is alarming' However, experts are concerned. "It is suspicious. It is alarming. It is potentially life-threatening," said Amir Attaran, a law professor and epidemiologist at the University of Ottawa. One of the scientists escorted from the National Microbiology Lab last year amidst an RCMP investigation was responsible for a shipment of Ebola and Henipah virus to the Wuhan Institute of Virology four months earlier - although the Public Health Agency of Canada still maintains the two are not connected. 2:38 "We have a researcher who was removed by the RCMP from the highest security laboratory that Canada has for reasons that government is unwilling to disclose. The intelligence remains secret. But what we know is that before she was removed, she sent one of the deadliest viruses on Earth, and multiple varieties of it to maximize the genetic diversity and maximize what experimenters in China could do with it, to a laboratory in China that does dangerous gain of function experiments. And that has links to the Chinese military." Gain of function experiments are when a natural pathogen is taken into the lab, made to mutate, and then assessed to see if it has become more deadly or infectious. In Canada, gain of function experiments to create more dangerous pathogens in humans are not prohibited, but are not done because they're considered too dangerous, Attaran said. "The Wuhan lab does them and we have now supplied them with Ebola and Nipah viruses. It does not take a genius to understand that this is an unwise decision," he said. "I am extremely unhappy to see that the Canadian government shared that genetic material." Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, right, accepts an award at the Governor General's Innovation Awards from Gov. Gen. Julie Payette at a ceremony at Rideau Hall in 2018. Qiu is a prominent virologist who helped develop ZMapp, a treatment for the deadly Ebola virus which killed more than 11,000 people in West Africa between 2014-2016. (CBC) Attaran pointed to an Ebola study first published in December 2018, three months after Qiu began the process of exporting the viruses to China. The study involved researchers from the NML and University of Manitoba. The lead author, Hualei Wang, is involved with the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, a Chinese military medical research institute in Beijing. All of this has led to conspiracy theories linking the novel coronavirus responsible for COVID-19, Canada's microbiology lab, and the lab in Wuhan. Online claims that Chinese scientists stole coronavirus from Winnipeg lab have 'no factual basis' The RCMP and PHAC have consistently denied any connections between the pandemic and the virus shipments. There is no evidence linking this shipment to the spread of the coronavirus. Ebola is a filovirus and Henipa is a paramyxovirus; no coronavirus samples were sent. Amir Attaran, professor in the Faculty of Law and the School of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Ottawa, is concerned about the shipment of dangerous viruses sent from Canada's only level-4 lab to China. (CBC) The ATIP documents identify for the first time exactly what was shipped to China. The list includes two vials each of 15 strains of virus: Ebola Makona (three different varieties) Mayinga. Kikwit. Ivory Coast. Bundibugyo. Sudan Boniface. Sudan Gulu. MA-Ebov. GP-Ebov. GP-Sudan. Hendra. Nipah Malaysia. Nipah Bangladesh. PHAC said the National Microbiology Lab routinely shares samples with other public health labs. The transfers follow strict protocols, including requirements under the Human Pathogens and Toxins Act (HPTA), the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, the Canadian Biosafety Standard, and standard operating procedures of the NML. CBC News has not been provided with some of the paperwork involved with the transfer, as information was redacted under sections of the Access to Information Act dealing with international affairs, national security and other issues. Confusion, concern over shipment The ATIP documents provide details about the months leading up to the shipment — including confusion over how to package the deadly viruses — the lack of decontamination of the package before it was sent, and concerns expressed by the NML's director-general Matthew Gilmour in Winnipeg, and his superiors in Ottawa. They wanted to know where the package was going, what was in it, and whether it had the proper paperwork. In one email, Gilmour said Material Transfer Agreements would be required, "not generic 'guarantees' on the storage and usage." He also asked David Safronetz, chief of special pathogens: "Good to know that you trust this group. How did we get connected with them?" Safronetz replied: "They are requesting material from us due to collaboration with Dr. Qiu." CBC News received hundreds of pages of documents through an Access to Information request, detailing a shipment of Ebola and Henipah viruses sent from the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg, to the Wuhan virology lab in China. (Karen Pauls/CBC News) Meanwhile, it appears the NML's shipper initially planned to send the viruses in inappropriate packaging and only changed it when the clients in China flagged the problem. "The only reason the correct packaging was used is because the Chinese wrote to them and said, 'Aren't you making a mistake here?' If that had not happened, the scientists would have placed on an Air Canada flight, several of them actually, a deadly virus incorrectly packaged. That nearly happened," Attaran said. The package was routed from Winnipeg to Toronto and then to Beijing on a commercial Air Canada flight on Mar. 31, 2019. The next day, the recipients replied that the package had arrived safely. "We would like to express our sincere gratitude to you all for your continuous support, especially Dr. Qiu and Anders! Thanks a lot!! Looking forward to our further cooperation in the future," said the heavily redacted email, which does not provide the name of the sender. Access to information documents show a flurry of emails dealing with the shipment of viruses from the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg to China. (John Woods/Canadian Press file photo) Nearly one year after the expulsion of Qiu, Cheng, and her students from the NML, there are still no updates on the case from the RCMP or PHAC. At the time, Public Health Agency spokesperson Morrissette said the department was taking steps to resolve this case as quickly as possible. On Thursday, he said the investigation has not yet concluded. "Administrative investigations are impartial, thorough and in-depth. They are also procedurally fair and respect the rights of individuals," he said. Gordon Houlden, director of the China Institute at the University of Alberta, said he welcomes scientific collaboration and exchanges with China, "but there has to be a framework of rules in place" and Canada's intellectual property must be protected. Houlden, a former diplomat, has many unanswered questions about this particular shipment. Gordon Houlden, the director of the China Institute at the University of Alberta, says there are many good reasons to share biological samples between labs, but any transfers must follow proper protocols. (Terry Reith/CBC) A vacuum of information is always a problem, especially in a situation of heightened tension with China over the arrest of a Huawei executive in Canada, the seemingly retaliatory arrest of two Canadian men in China and questions over the origins of the coronavirus, he said. "There's also a danger if you don't provide information that people will jump always to the worst conclusion," Houlden said. Chinese researcher escorted from infectious disease lab amid RCMP investigation Canadian government scientist under investigation trained staff at Level 4 lab in China Current NML head Matthew Gilmour was not made available for an interview. He is leaving as of July to work for the U.K.-based Quadram Institute Bioscience. His medical adviser, Dr. Guillaume Poliquin, will take over until a permanent replacement can be found. Qiu could also not be reached for a comment.
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2021.04.04 | 16:16

Primis Player Placeholder 9 Black Death Photo credit: BBC Between 1347 and 1351, millions of Europeans were afflicted with a mysterious disease that killed over 50 million people. Today, we know this disease is the Black Death, which is caused by the Yersinia pestis bacteria. Although the Black Death is still around, it is not as potent as it used to be.A few years ago, researchers from several schools, including the University of Tubingen in Germany and McMaster University in Canada, recreated the deadly bacteria from DNA samples extracted from the teeth of a victim who died during the plague. They got only 30 milligrams of the bacteria from the teeth, but that was enough to recreate it.As a result, researchers confirmed the original bacteria’s relationship to the Black Death around today. Some scientists had claimed that the bacteria were of different strains, but they are now confirmed to be the same. The one we have around today only became less deadly after it mutated.[2]8 PolioLike their counterparts at the University of Alberta, scientists at the State University of New York have created a deadly artificial virus by buying DNA pieces via mail order. This time, it is polio, and it is as potent as the natural one. Mice exposed to the artificial polio got sick just as they would have if exposed to natural polio.The laboratory-created polio was controversial among scientists. The researchers who produced it had taken its code from databases available to almost anybody. Other researchers fear that people with ulterior motives could develop their own artificial polio, which is much easier to make than other dangerous viruses like smallpox.Smallpox’s genetic code is 185,000 letters long while polio’s is just 7,741 letters long. Although we are already at the brink of eradicating polio, scientists fear that we will still need to be vaccinated against the disease because it could be recreated.[3] 7 MousepoxA few years ago, researchers at the Australian National University and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) produced a deadly mutated strain of mousepox by mistake. Mousepox is another lethal virus that belongs to the same family as horsepox and smallpox.The researchers were trying to develop birth control for mice at the time that they mistakenly created the virus. They inserted a gene that promoted the creation of interleukin 4 (IL-4) into mousepox, which they injected into some mice. The mice were vaccinated and were not supposed to be harmed by the mousepox.Instead of making the mice infertile as researchers had expected, the weakened virus turned lethal and destroyed the immune systems of the mice, killing them in nine days. The new mousepox was so dangerous that it was resistant to vaccination. Half of the other vaccinated mice exposed to the mutated mousepox also died.The researchers were so scared by their invention that they did not want to publish their findings. They even met with the Australian military to confirm if it was safe to publish.[4] Scientists fear that human smallpox could also mutate and become deadlier if injected with IL-4. However, they are unsure because no one has tried it yet. We know it’s only a matter of time before some scientist does. 6 SARS 2.0 Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 structure Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a lethal virus. More than 700 people were killed during a SARS epidemic that infected 8,000 people in 29 countries between 2002 and 2003. Now, scientists have made it deadlier.The new mutant SARS virus was created by a group of researchers led by Dr. Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina. They call it SARS 2.0. The researchers developed the virus by adding some protein to the naturally occurring SARS. SARS 2.0 is immune to vaccines and treatments used to cure the naturally occurring SARS virus.[5]The team said that the research was necessary because the natural SARS virus could mutate and become immune to our vaccines. By creating a deadlier and mutated virus, we could develop stronger vaccines that will save us from a more lethal SARS epidemic. That is, if the natural SARS ever mutates.However, other scientists are concerned because the SARS 2.0 that is supposed to save us from a deadly SARS epidemic could start that epidemic if it ever escapes from the lab.SEE ALSO: TOP 10 MYSTERIOUS VIRUSES 5 MERS-Rabies Virus Hybrid Photo credit: medicalxpress.com Scientists have created a MERS-rabies hybrid virus. The idea is to use the virus to develop a vaccine that will protect us from both viruses. Rabies is a deadly disease that can be transmitted to humans through the bites of infected dogs that usually have the virus in their saliva.Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is a new virus that appeared in Saudi Arabia a few years ago. It is closely related to SARS and is spread from bats to camels and, finally, to humans. MERS infected 1,800 people at the time of its first epidemic and killed over 630. Its fatality rate is around 35 percent.As we mentioned in the previous entry, SARS infected over 8,000 people during a 2003 epidemic but killed just over 700. Although SARS caused more deaths in absolute terms, it has a lower fatality rate than MERS. Only about 10 percent of SARS victims died. And for now, we do not have any vaccine for MERS.To create the MERS-rabies hybrid, researchers took some proteins from the MERS virus and added it to rabies. They used the new virus to develop a new vaccine that made mice resistant to rabies and MERS. They believe that the vaccine can also be used for humans and camels at risk of getting MERS.[6] 4 Phi-X174 Photo credit: Fdardel Phi-X174 is another artificial virus we have produced in laboratories. It was created by researchers at the Institute of Biological Energy Alternatives in Rockville, Maryland. The researchers modeled the artificial virus after the natural phiX virus. PhiX is a bacteriophage, a category of viruses that infect and kill bacteria. However, it has no effect on humans.[7]The researchers created the artificial virus in 14 days, yet it resembles the natural virus so much that it is impossible to tell them apart. The researchers hope that the new virus is the first step in developing mutant and artificial bacteria that can be used for the benefit of man. 3 Unnamed Virus Photo credit: upi.com Researchers from University College London and the National Physical Laboratory have created an unnamed virus that kills bacteria and behaves like a real virus. Like phi-X174, it is a bacteriophage but deadlier.The unnamed virus attacks any bacteria around it. Within seconds, it breaks into smaller parts that attach and create holes on the bodies of the bacteria. The holes quickly become larger, forcing the bacteria to leak their contents. The bacteria die soon after.Despite its scary potency, the unnamed virus is not dangerous to humans and did not attack human cells during tests. However, it could enter human cells just like natural viruses. Researchers hope the results will be used to treat and study bacterial diseases in humans. The virus could also be used to alter the human gene.[8] 2 Bird Flu Photo credit: bigthink.com Some Dutch scientists have created a mutant and deadlier version of the already-lethal bird flu. Natural bird flu is not easily transmitted among humans. However, the researchers altered it so that it could be. To test their new virus, the researchers exposed some ferrets to it. Ferrets were chosen because they had similar bird flu symptoms to humans.Ten generations later, the already-changed virus mutated again and became airborne. Natural bird flu is not an airborne disease. The study was controversial in the science community. It became even more so when the Dutch researchers attempted to publish the process to create the deadly virus.[9]Although scientists fear that terrorists could use the study to produce a deadly biological weapon that could kill half the people in the world, the researchers involved say that the study was necessary to allow us prepare for a mutated bird flu epidemic. 1 H1N1 Virus Photo credit: National Geographic In 1918, the world witnessed the arrival of a deadly flu epidemic. This was the H1N1 virus. By the time it was over, up to 100 million people were dead. The flu caused blood to seep into the lungs of victims. They released blood from their noses and mouths before drowning in the blood inside their lungs.The flu returned in 2009. But it was less lethal even though it was mutated and deadlier than it should have been. Scientist Yoshihiro Kawaoka took samples of the mutated strain that caused the 2009 epidemic and used it to create a deadlier strain that was resistant to vaccines. This strain was similar to the one that caused the 1918 epidemic.[10]Kawaoka was not planning to produce a more lethal version of the flu at the time. He only wanted to create the original version of the flu so that he could study how it mutated and was able to bypass our immunity. The deadly virus is stored in a lab and could become fatal if ever released. READ MORE BIZARRE FACTS about viruses and bacteria on 10 Ways Parasites, Viruses, And Bacteria Have Helped Human
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2021.04.04 | 16:15

Bacteria Created In Labs OLIVER TAYLOR Scientists are at it again. This time, they’re creating new viruses and bacteria in their laboratories. Scientists usually prefer altering already-existing or extinct bacteria and viruses to produce new strains that will defeat our immunity, vaccines, and drugs.Sometimes, they prefer creating new viruses and bacteria from scratch. However, these strains are not always dangerous to humans even though they could be deadly to animals like mice and even to other bacteria.SEE ALSO: 10 VIRUSES THAT ACTUALLY HELP HUMANKIND10 Horsepox Photo credit: drugtargetreview.com Scientists at the University of Alberta have created horsepox, a lethal virus closely related to the equally deadly smallpox. Unlike smallpox, horsepox does not affect humans and is only fatal to horses. The scientists created the virus during a six-month study sponsored by pharmaceutical company Tonix. The researchers purchased DNA pieces via mail order and arranged them to form the virus. The entire project was not expensive. The DNA pieces used to create the virus cost just $100,000.The study caused a dilemma at the time it was revealed. Other scientists were concerned that governments or even terrorists could use the knowledge to create smallpox virus for biological weapons. A smallpox epidemic could become deadly for us today. We no longer get vaccinated for it because we eradicated the disease in 1980.The researchers clarified that they created the virus because they wanted to develop improved smallpox vaccines. Tonix later revealed that it had produced a smallpox vaccine with the horsepox virus. Other scientists say that the researchers could have extracted horsepox from wild horse populations instead of creating it from scratch. Tonix said they would have done just that if they had known they had natural access to the virus. However, lead researcher David Evans said they recreated the virus because Tonix would have been unable to commercialize the horsepox virus taken from the wild.[1]
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2021.04.04 | 15:58

Това го четох миналата година! Li-Meng Yan (simplified Chinese: 闫丽梦; traditional Chinese: 閆麗夢) or Yan Limeng, is a Chinese ophthalmologist and virologist whose 2020 publications and interviews alleging that SARS-CoV-2 was made in a Chinese government laboratory have been widely disputed by the scientific community.[4][5] Yan claimed in interviews that she became aware of person-to-person transmission of COVID-19 in late December 2019, and that she attempted to communicate the risks to her superiors in late December 2019 or early January 2020.[6] She alleges that the Chinese government and the World Health Organization (WHO) knew about the person-to-person transmission of COVID-19 earlier than they reported or made public, and suppressed both her research and that of others.[7] In April 2020, she fled to the United States where she co-authored two preprint research papers,[a] published to the Zenodo platform on September 14 and October 8 respectively, presenting theories about the origin of SARS-CoV-2.[10] The September 14 preprint said that SARS-CoV-2 had not emerged naturally in a "spillover from animals", but had been produced in a laboratory.[8][10][11] According to a scientific review by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the September paper offered "contradictory and inaccurate information that does not support their argument".[4] Four review articles published in the MIT Press criticised the paper as not demonstrating "sufficient scientific evidence to support its claims."[5] The October 8 preprint went further, saying that SARS-CoV-2 was a bioweapon created by laboratories under the control of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).[9] (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

2020.08.05 | 11:54

Хахахахах,тая ли е избягала от Китай??? Тая гноясала американска пачавретина участваща в поръчков сценарий,отвсякъде и личи,чеКитай го е виждала само на снимка!!!
Съединението Прави Силата

2020.10.22 | 06:04

Ами много си прав. Много глупости се говорят и зад всички стоят интересите на някой.В случая девойката на китайски билионер варши работа и с чиста съвест ръси глупости за които америкаснките слециалисти казват BS.
бля ,бля

2020.09.07 | 22:59

Вирусът трябва да се казва " Златният милиард" , защото целта му е да унищожи голяма част от земното население , та то да остане 1 милиард. България според този план е в стисъка за унищожение.

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