Актьор от Бродуей почина от COVID-19

  • 06 юли 2020 10:52

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Актьор от Бродуей почина от COVID-19
© Gettyimages (архив)

Роденият в Канада, но направил звездна кариера в САЩ актьор Ник Кордеро е издъхнал тази сутрин на 41-годишна възраст след заразяване с коронавирус. Новината бе съобщена от съпругата му в една от социалните мрежи.

,,Господ прибра още един ангел в Царството Си. Скъпият ми съпрус се спомина тази сутрин'', написа тя.

По думите ѝ Кордеро се е борил с вируса в продължение на 95 дни. Тя сподели още, че той е бил на апаратна вентицалия заради усложнения от COVID-19, а през април се е наложило да му бъде ампутиран десният крак (отново като резултат от усложненията от новия коронавирус).

В по-голямата част от времето Кордеро изкарва в безсъзнание, а в редките случаи, когато се събужда, полага огромни усилия да държи очите си отворени, споделя още опечалената му съпруга.

В телевизионно интервю за CBS тя посочи, че белите му дробове били до такава степен увредени, сякаш е бил пушач в продължение на 50 години.


God has another angel in heaven now. My darling husband passed away this morning. He was surrounded in love by his family, singing and praying as he gently left this earth. ⠀ I am in disbelief and hurting everywhere. My heart is broken as I cannot imagine our lives without him. Nick was such a bright light. He was everyone’s friend, loved to listen, help and especially talk. He was an incredible actor and musician. He loved his family and loved being a father and husband. Elvis and I will miss him in everything we do, everyday. ⠀ To Nicks extraordinary doctor, Dr. David Ng, you were my positive doctor! There are not many doctors like you. Kind, smart, compassionate, assertive and always eager to listen to my crazy ideas or call yet another doctor for me for a second opinion. You’re a diamond in the rough. ⠀ ⠀ I cannot begin to thank everyone enough for the outpour of love , support and help we’ve received these last 95 days. You have no idea how much you lifted my spirits at 3pm everyday as the world sang Nicks song, Live Your Life. We sang it to him today, holding his hands. As I sang the last line to him, “they’ll give you hell but don’t you light them kill your light not without a fight. Live your life,” I smiled because he definitely put up a fight. I will love you forever and always my sweet man.

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2020.07.06 | 11:25

До К

2020.07.06 | 12:42

Прибирай се в къщи, мишко, ако те е страх. Нали мозъка ти не е грах, а е по-голям от диня...

2020.07.06 | 12:07

Но не това го е убило, а скапания вирус. Кое не разбира плоскоземнито ти мозъче с размер на грахче?

2020.07.06 | 12:14

Б.хти измамниците сте честно!!!насрахте се с тия фалшиви новини!нарочно потърсих в инстаграм поста на тази!никъде не пише такива работи които цитирате!!изроди!и тук таме има новини на английски където също не пише такива неща!!били му импутирали крака заради ковид 19...!!!б.хти и смешниците сте!!как няма кой да ви осъди за фълшиви новини незнам!!

2020.07.06 | 14:02

б.хти хейтъра гнусен си ! мозъчна клетка една ,заразена с дезинтерия . като си некадърен и познаваш английския , не коментирай и не подвеждай хората ! затвор и глоба с доживотно плащане за всички зомбирани любители на конспирацията .

2020.07.06 | 13:24

Broadway star Nick Cordero had his leg amputated due to coronavirus complications незнам къде си търсил и колко разбираш английски, но в CNN си пише абсолютно същото и има интервю със съпругата му.
The guardian

2020.07.06 | 13:15

Cordero entered the emergency room on 30 March and had a succession of health setbacks including mini-strokes, blood clots, sepsis infections, a tracheostomy and a temporary pacemaker implant. He had been on a ventilator and unconscious and had his right leg amputated. A double lung transplant was being explored.

2020.07.06 | 14:33

Лъжат !И без короната , тоя отчаян наркоман щеше да умре ! Кракът му отрязоха далече преди вируса !

2020.07.06 | 14:43

107,532 likes amandakloots Our last family photo before Nick got sick. What this man has gone through! Nick is 41 years old. He had no pre-existing health conditions. We do not know how he got COVID-19 but he did. He went to the ER on March 30th and intubated on a ventilator on April 1. Since then has he has suffered an infection that caused his heart to stop, he needed resuscitation, he had two mini strokes, went on ECMO, went on dialysis, needed surgery to removal an ECMO cannula that was restricting blood flow to his leg, a faciatomy to relieve pressure on the leg, an amputation of his right leg, an MRI to further investigate brain damage, several bronchial sweeps to clear out his lungs, a septis infection causing septic shock, a fungus in his lungs, holes in his lungs, a tracheostomy, blood clots, low blood count and platelet levels, and a temporary pacemaker to assist his heart. He has spent 38 days now in the ICU. This disease does not only effect old people. This is real. A perfectly healthy 41 year old man! Bring awareness to his story. STAY HOME! FOLLOW GUIDELINES! This journey with Nick has been the hardest thing we’ve ever had to go through. I ask God for a miracle and my Dad reminded me that God is answering my prayer everyday because he is still with us! Nick is a fighter and has not given up. His doctors and nurses have been truly incredible. Thank you @cedarssinai ❤️ We will get our CODE ROCKY! #wakeupnick MAY 9

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