Розмари се пусна гола

  • 10 март 2020 15:58

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Розмари се пусна гола
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Актьорът Явор Бахаров очевидно е хвърлил око на бившата брадърка и модел Розмари Тишер, пише Телеграф. 

В Instagram красивата девойка сподели еротични кадри, които получиха първо одобрението на актьора. Харесването на снимките не остана незабелязано, тъй като Бахаров по принцип не е активен в социалните мрежи.

Сред останалите мачовци, дали лайка си на кадъра, са колегата му Юлиан Костов и мъжът на Гала - Стефан.


She is a Feminist . She loves to be a woman. She loves her body - most of the times. It’s her body. She doesn’t understand how anybody could have the audacity to tell her and all other women what they can’t do with their bodies and life. She only should be able to decide over her destiny to become a mother or not. She should be able to have an abortion, if she wants to. It’s her life, her body. Many countries deny this very personal choice to us, only elect representatives who support your interests. You have the power. Use it. Woman right now are changing the fashion industry, now all colours and bodyshapes are represented. Woman right now are changing the toxic workplace situations, where victims are finally believed. #metoo It’s really strange to me that we can achieve that but still let old men in government decide over our bodies. We still have to fight for our rights to terminate an unwanted pregnancy in so many countries or defend it, where the government wants to take it away from us or the fact that woman get paid less than men. I believe all change has to start with love and respect. If non of us loves herself, doesn’t believe in herself, how can we make an impact for change. We are worthy. That’s why seeing all kinds of women on tv, fashion, politics is important - it’s representation and identification. I know we are on it together but you are first, so love yourself. Your body. That’s already a great contribution. Nobody said it’s easy to be a woman, but I would not change it for a thing. Happy womensday ! AND: thank you to all men who get it and are next to us & All woman before us, who paved the way. #equality #feminism #mybodymychoice #respect #empoweringwomen #metoo #paygap #humanrights #bodypositivity #8ofmarch #womansday #happywomansday #fierce #feminine #together #support #alltheladies #sisterlove #nomakeup #nophotoshop #purity #strenght #vulnerability #selflove #womanhood #powerfull #wematter #freedom #bealadytheysaid

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2020.03.10 | 16:12

Тишер ше я пръсна от сeкс

2020.03.10 | 16:27

УЖАСНО ГОЛЕМИ! Те отсега ѝ стигат до пъпа, а след години... Бр-р-р!!!
Мария Вълчева

2020.03.10 | 16:22

Големи гърди си е направила!

2020.03.11 | 07:58

искам да се изцъркам вътре

2020.03.11 | 13:20

iskam i roz i mari
Маринела Пандел Арабаджиева

2020.03.11 | 16:37

Кога??? Ко Не не може да бъде ккккккккккккккккк
Юрген Клоп

2020.03.11 | 19:28

Трябва да си пълна отрепка за да излизаш с явор бъл

2020.03.11 | 19:29


2020.03.11 | 19:29


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